Hospital Information System
Hospital Information System

Hospital Information System

هدف از انجام اين پروژه، پياده سازي HIS در بيمارستان تخصصي قلب و عروق جوادالائمه مي - باشد.در اين پروژه بخشهاي پذيرش وراديولوژي بيمارستان براي پيادهسازي انتخاب شدهاند.پس از تحليل سيستم موجود در بيمارستان متوجه شديم بخشها به صورت جداگانه مكانيزههستند،لذا با توجه به آنكه سيستم موجود به صورت كاملا دستي كار ميكند، مشكلات زير را براي آنمتصور شديم:.1سرعت كم..2عدم اطمينان از صحت انتقال و جريان اطلاعات در سيستم..3نبودن هماهنگي و ارتباط لازم در بين بخش ها..4هدر رفتن هزينه و زمان.لذا در ادامه كار بر آن شد ...

  • Hospital information system - Wikipedia

    A hospital information system (HIS) is an element of health informatics that focuses mainly on the administrational needs of hospitals. In many implementations, an HIS is a comprehensive, ...

  • Hospital information system - Google Patents

    An information system for use in a hospital includes a mobile terminal for inputting and outputting data relating to medical activities at an execution site of the medical activities in the hospital, a hospital information management system for managing information in the hospital, and a server for controlling communications of data relating to medical activities between the mobile terminal ...

  • Hospital Management Software - Capterra

    Hospital information system designed for clinical data management. Includes regional scheduling and bed management modules. Learn more about Clinibase. Hospital information system designed for clinical data management. Includes regional scheduling and bed …

  • Types of Hospital Information Systems - InfoSec Resources

    The hospital information system has become an integral part of health care. It is linked to the health informatics that focuses mainly on the administrative functioning of hospitals and clinics/nursing homes. It has different implementations and is an integrated and comprehensive information system ...

  • Hospital information system | definition of hospital ...

    Integrated computer system to store, manipulate, and retrieve clinical, nonclinical, and administrative information in health care organization. A large computerized database management system that processes patient data in order to support patient care. The system is used by health care clinicians ...

  • Benefits of Hospital Information Management system in ...

    For health system, an efficient and flexible Hospital information system play a vital role in hospitals. HIS is also known as clinical information system specially designed to manage the clinical, administrative and financial aspects of a hospital. To manage all information related to the patient record and hospital inventory , all hospitals rely on hospital information system software.

  • Hospital Information Systems (HIS) Acceptance and ...

    OBJECTIVES. The main objective of this study is to evaluate hospital information systems (HIS) acceptance and satisfaction, through exploring the influential factors that might increase or decrease acceptance and satisfaction levels among different healthcare professionals, in order to provide solutions for successful HIS implementation. METHODS: The study used objective quantitative survey ...

  • Designing Hospital Information Systems | Information ...

    A Hospital Information System (HIS) basically is a synonym for information management system at use in hospitals. Hospitals generate a wealth of data round the clock, 365 days a year, all of which needs to be well managed to ensure efficient functioning.

  • Hospital - Wikipedia
    • A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equipment. The best-known type of hospital is the general hospital, which typically has an emergency department to treat urgent health problems ranging from fire and accident victims to a heart attack. A district hospital typically is the major health care facility in its region, with a large number of beds for intensive care and additional beds for patients who need long-te
    See more on · Text under CC-BY-SA license
  • Chapter 7: Hospital Information Systems - MIT CSAIL

    Chapter 7: Hospital Information Systems. Presented by Dan Sheldon. The purpose of a hospital information system (HIS) is to manage the information that health professionals need to perform their jobs effectively and efficiently.

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